Hot Summer 10K
Those of you who know me know I love sleeping and that I have an uncanny ability to sleep anywhere, anytime. For example, I've fallen asleep on dates, while riding on back of a motorcycle, for a short time during labor.... I function best with eight hours of sleep but with my life/schedule that is unheard of. So, when my alarm goes off at an ungodly hour on a Saturday morning for me to get up and run, I have to question my sanity.
I drag myself out of bed scolding myself for wanting nothing more than to climb back into my little bit of heaven. I go through my normal race morning routine and drive to the race. I still don't want to go and midway I contemplate turning around and driving home; I started this madness and will finish it.
When I arrive at the starting line I'm surrounded by an intimidatingly fit group of people who make me aware that I may just end up being the last one to cross the finish line. My cousin who was standing with me agreed. Is coming in last so bad? I look at my cousin and I'm reminded of how life-changing events can happen to the last finisher of a race. She is living proof of a determination with a "never give up" front-page-of-the -paper and ESPN radio worthy story. My words do her no justice so here is her blog so you can read for yourself: Let me just warn you that if you read her blog, you may need kleenex while becoming greatly inspired and motivated.
Knowing that my cousin has a good pace and would not finish last in this race, my strategy became to stick with her as long as I could then not lose sight of her when I dropped back. And...I was successful finishing the 10K in 65 minutes-- just two minutes behind her!
I'm excited I finished the race. I'm elated because I ran a PR despite the Body Glide failure and leg chafing! (I have real mom-thighs, not Victoria Secret extra-photo-shopped, non-touching skinny thighs.)
Whew, all that writing made me tired. I think I'll put my head down and take a nap....
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